Saturday, March 29, 2008


If only we had known.

Soon we were in more traffic than we had ever seen before. The farther we went, the more confused we girls got. Daddy, too, I'm sure began to wonder where we were what what we had gotten into.
We soon found a big brick building with lots of steps up to the door and we girls were too tired to
play on them, even if Daddy hadn't said for us all to behave and be real good.

A woman came out to the big room and Daddy told her we were on our way to California to Mother and she said," Mister, you are already in California!" Daddy told her we all needed some food then we would go on our way and find Mother.
"Wait out here," the woman said," I will be back."
We sat real still like Daddy said to while we waited. It seemed like she never would come back. Well, in fact, she didn't. Instead, a big policeman came up the steps and said," Mister, do you have a job?"

"No sir, I don't," Daddy said," Thats why we are here. My wife is here with a job and we are going to join her."

Well, that wasn't what he wanted to hear. He asked Daddy to go over in the corner to talk with him so Daddy said for us to wait in the chairs for him.

After a bit they came back and Daddy sat down with us and told us we had to go to one place and he had to go to another place. The officer said it was just until Daddy got well then we could go where we wanted to go.

That started us all crying. I don't think Joan would have cried if I hadn't started but I let out a howl like some one was hurting me. Daddy said they would be good to us and give us something to eat.

That didn't help much but we all got into the big black and white car and Daddy said to let us kids go to the home
first and he would take us in so we wouldn't be so scared. The oficer drove us to what I thought all these years was an orphanage but Mickey said it was a reform school. I never did meet any bad people in there but she probably was right.

Daddy took us into the building which was really big and made out of bricks. The then a woman came in and Daddy said," Now girls, I want all of you to be good and mind the ladies in this place and, Mickey, they said they would get you girls something to eat."

Daddy left with the officer and that was the worse thing ever. We really howled and the woman said she would not have any of that and to shut up at once.
They took us to a big room and told us to get off our clothes and I was scared to death and so were Mickey and Joan. We said we weren't supposed to take off our clothes and she said,"You will all get clean clothes but you have to get yourselves clean first." So we all got in a shower and washed.

When we dried off, they gave each of us a dress that was just straight over our head, but at least they were warm. Then she took us down some stairs to a basement and told us to sit there and wait for her. There were long tables and benches all across the room.

The woman soon came back with a tray with three bowls of soup and three sandwiches on it. She said that would do us until dinner time.

After we had eaten, she took us upstairs where there were long rows of single bunks. I think they were just cots but she said this was where we would sleep. Mickey and I would sleep here but Joan would sleep in another room. We didn't like that idea. Mickey said Joan was supposed to sleep with us.

"Well," the woman said, "Look who is telling me how to run my business!!"
We didn't say anything else . She said we could all go out in the back yard to play till dinner. We went and stuck together like glue. We were finally called in to eat dinner and we went down the stairs again and sat at the long tables. We had soup again and sandwiches. We didn't know any better so we thought it was really good; at least better than we had in the past two weeks.

Then up the stairs we went again. I slept on the cot next to Mickey.We were so tired I hardly knew what was going on till a woman came in with a cot and set it up between us and said,"Here is your little sister. She won't stop crying." So Joan got to sleep with us after all! I think she got into bed with Mickey.

I think the woman had slapped mickey on the seat for asking about Joan. But then, Mickey fixed her; she wet the bed! But that never happened again!
Well, my fingers are getting all prattled up so I will call it good for now. Correct me if I'm wrong, Sister.

Shike, prattling on...


Memories Fade So Fast...

Memories fade so fast any more and I'm sure the way I'm going this blog will outlive my memories. But on to the road again.

The last time I was here we had gotten a ride in a big black car with all of us sitting in the back seat and Daddy telling mickey to hold her head up and look out the window so she wouldn't get sick. I guess she didn't because the big car finally got to their turning off spot and we got out--- on the road again. We walked this time till it began to get pretty dark and we were hungry as usual. Daddy said tomorrow we would find some food for all of us.
The road was hot and we were tired so when we saw an old boxcar over on an old piece of railroad track, Daddy said we would go look in there and see what it looked like so we went off the road to the boxcar. Daddy looked in it and said it looked pretty good . It would be our castle for the night. I asked what we would do if someone found us in there and Daddy said no one would so he boosted us all up in there one by one then he climbed in. We were so glad to be out of the sun we just wanted to run up and down the car and shout but Daddy said we had to be still because someone might not like it if they saw us in there.

It got dark fast and soon we were getting cold. Daddy cuddled Joan up in front of him to keep her warm and Mickey and I were getting colder all the time. Daddy said to turnover and get up against his back and it would keep us warm. I scrunched up against his back and Mickey turned her back to me and I put my arms around her so she was soon warm, too. I guess we were all warm because, when we woke up, it was daylight.

We waited till it got pretty light and Daddy said it was time to go. "Daddy," I said," We all got to go p-- bad so he said for all of us to go with Mickey back behind the boxcar and go p-- so we all went with Mickey
and went p--.

When we came back we all wanted to know when we were going to get something to eat.
Daddy said to just wait awhile and we would eat. The houses were getting thicker all the time and we were nearing Bakersfield,Ca. We stopped at a service station and got to wash up and get a drink.

Daddy asked the service station man where we could get some food and the man told him and we started walking again. By then we really were hungry. Daddy kept asking along the way where the food place was.

Prattling on to the next post...

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